How long has IIL Printing been in this business?
IIL has been printing and shipping training materials for over 20 years.
Can IIL Printing ship worldwide?
Where is IIL Printing located?
Our printing facility is located in Southwest Missouri.
How quickly can IIL Printing turn around a job?
It depends on the pre-work that may be required, and the quantity requested. Small to medium copies (300 to 3,000 units) can typically be printed and shipped within 2-3 days of receipt of your order. For larger jobs, we recommend that you contact us for the most accurate estimate.
Why should I choose digital printing rather than offset printing?
Digital printing is the best option for low volume, short turnaround printing jobs that still deliver great quality. Digital allows you to print just in time, every time—hence no inventory storage or obsolete materials.
I want to submit a document. What file formats do you accept?
All files must be sent as PDF/X-1a files or EPS files.
What are your image requirements?
All images must be embedded and at a resolution of 300 DPI.
Does my document need to adhere to a specific color space?
Yes, color format must be set to CMYK.
What are your font requirements?
Make sure that all fonts are embedded or converted to artwork.
Does my document need to have bleed and crop marks?
Yes, please be sure to add ¼ inch bleed all around and display proper trim marks at specified dimensions.
How do I count pages in my document?
Count the pages as you would in a book, not sheets of paper.
What is an ISBN?
ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number, a 13-digit number that uniquely identifies a book and allows for cataloguing of products by booksellers. IIL Printing can help you with the process of obtaining and creating an ISBN barcode for your book.
What is your Privacy Policy?
We never rent your name to any third party. It is used strictly for serving your printing and shipping needs.
IIL’s privacy policy is located here:
IIL’s Terms of Use is located here:
Can products be shipped to multiple addresses?
Yes, please contact us directly at [email protected] or call us at +1 (212)-515-5155.